What’s dropping?
Ledgestone is dropping wave 4. It is straight heat with some gems dropping tomorrow (or today if you are reading this nice and early). These will be limited. Especially the LE Cryztal Fierce and Luna. With only 200 sets made! You’ll want to be ready for this heat.

You can read more about the drop and charity collab here;
Where to cop?
These will be dropping exclusively on Ledgestone’s retail website.
These drop at 7:30pm Central. You’ll want to be at your computer refreshing to have a chance at snagging these discs. The Uli Zones, the LE luna and fierce and now the raptors. With limited Zuca’s those will also sell quickly. Those will be the more expensive discs in the resale market. But expect the others to also be high in cost and tough to find.
In an new post we also announced that Ledgestone is dropping LSWT cryztal Rapors