New disc golf players may have heard of a Hyzer throw, but may not be familiar with the term “Anhyzer”. Anhyzer is a term used in disc golf that can confuse players new to the sport. This article will discuss what anhyzer is, how to throw it, and which discs are best for anhyzer shots. We will also give you tips on improving your technique and making this type of throw more accurate. Whether you are just starting out in disc golf or you are looking to add anhyzer shots to your game, keep reading for all the info you need!
What is an Anhyzer?
An Anhyzer is a disc golf throwing technique that involves releasing the disc at an angle. This will cause the disc to fly in a different direction than normal and is used by right-handed players to make the disc turn right.
Anhyzer throws are important because they can give players more control over the flight of their discs and help them land closer to the target. The angle of an Anhyzer throw is what determines how the disc flies in the turn, which is the first part of its flight path. Generally speaking, a hyzer release will fly more left than an anhyzer release, and a flat release will generally make the disc fly straight. However, no matter the initial angle of release, the disc will always try to fade back to the left in the last part of its flight.
Players need to practice this technique and understand how different angles affect their shots in order to maximize accuracy. With proper practice and understanding, anhyzer throws can be used strategically on a disc golf course, helping them land closer to the target and ultimately improving their game.
Anhyzer throws are an essential part of disc golf, and, with proper practice and understanding, they can be used to great advantage by players of all skill levels. In addition, experienced players can use this technique strategically on the course to help them land closer to the target and ultimately improve their game.

Learning How to Throw an Anhyzer in Disc Golf
Although the basics of anhyzer throwing are relatively simple, it is important for players to practice and understand how different angles and speeds affect their shots in order to maximize accuracy. Here are some tips and techniques that can help you improve your anhyzer throws:
1. Use a Disc Specifically Designed for Anhyzers: Certain discs are designed for anhyzer throwings, such as midrange and putter discs. These discs will fly more accurately with the right technique and help optimize your shots. We will talk about the best disc golf for Anyhyzer shots in the next section.
2. Grip the Disc Differently: When throwing an anhyzer, it is important to grip the disc differently than you would with a regular throw. Your grip should be slightly off-center and further into the rim of the disc. This will help you release the disc at an angle that is necessary for this type of throw.
3. Use a Firm Handshake: When releasing the disc, use a firm handshake to ensure that it does not slip out of your hand or rotate in different directions. This will help you keep the disc on an even plane and increase your accuracy with this type of throw.
4. Release and follow through: When releasing the disc, make sure you follow through with your hand and arm to ensure that it stays on a straight path. This will help you increase the accuracy of your anhyzer throws. Make sure to keep your wrist straight and follow through with your arm in a downward motion. This will help you put the most power behind the disc while still keeping it on its intended path.
5. Practice: Finally, practice makes perfect! Make sure to practice regularly and understand how different angles affect your shots in order to maximize accuracy and improve your game. Practice makes perfect, so never be afraid to get out there and try a new throw.
With these tips, you can start to develop a consistent anhyzer throw and use it strategically on the course to improve your game.
Best Discs for Anhyzer Shots
If you are a beginner or just want to keep it simple and easy, then an overstable disc is your best bet for anhyzer shots. These discs are designed to fight the turn of the disc and finish left. Overstable discs tend to have higher turn ratings from 0-2.
For experienced throwers who want more control over their shot, stable or slightly understable discs are great choices for anhyzer shots. Stable discs usually have a turn rating of -3 and will gradually turn right before fading back to the left at the end of their flight. Slightly understable discs (turn ratings between -1 and -3) can provide a hard right turn with a little fade at the end of the flight, making them great for short to medium-range shots.
Discs with a high fade rating (4-5) can also be great for anhyzer shots, especially when thrown with more power. These discs will fight the turn at first but then come out of it quickly and finish left. They are great for long-distance drives as they can give you plenty of control over your shot without fading too early or late.
For any disc golf player looking to add variety to their game, Analyzers are a great way to do just that, and choosing the right disc is key! Overstable, stable, and slightly understable discs all have their place in the game and can help you shoot from various angles on the course. Just make sure to choose the correct disc for your shot, and you will be ready to take on any course!
Tips for Improving Anhyzer Shots
Practicing and perfecting your anhyzer shots is key to becoming a successful disc golfer. Here are some tips that will help you improve your anhyzer throws:
1. Start by understanding the fundamentals: Before you can work on anhyzer shots, it is important to understand the basics of throwing technique and form. This includes gripping the disc correctly, keeping your arm straight throughout the throw, and releasing the disc with a snap at the end of your motion. Make sure you have these basics down before you attempt more advanced throws.
2. Experiment with different discs: Different discs have different characteristics that make them better suited for either hyzer or anhyzer shots. Experiment with various types of discs to get an idea of which ones are best for achieving the desired flight path.
3. Keep your angle low: Anhyzers require a low-angle release, which means you have to keep your arm at a lower angle than when you’re throwing a hyzer. Make sure your arm is parallel to the ground throughout the throw and that your wrist stays in line with your arm as you release the disc.
4. Maintain a flat nose: The angle of the disc should be slightly downward when you release it for anhyzers. You want the power of your throw to be focused on propelling the disc forward, not lifting it up. Make sure the front (nose) of the disc is level or slightly tilted down. This will help ensure it has enough speed and distance in its flight.
5. Avoid rounding: When pulling through, it is important to avoid rounding your arm and shoulder. This will cause the disc to turn too much, reducing your accuracy. Instead, keep your elbow slightly bent and close to your body as you pull through from the back towards the front of your body. As you reach out to throw the disc, maintain a consistent angle in your elbow and wrist. Keep everything tight so that when you release the disc, there is no extra rotational force put on it, ensuring a smooth flight path with maximum distance.
6. Visualize your shots: Before you throw, take a few seconds to visualize different flight paths in your head. This will help you get the most out of each throw by allowing you to focus on what you need to do and have confidence that it will go where you want it.
7. Trust yourself: Many players underestimate how much angle they need for anhyzer shots, so trust yourself and keep your arm at a low angle as you throw. Don’t let any doubts about your throwing abilities slow you down – practice regularly, and you’ll improve quickly!
Anhyzers are a great tool in your disc golf arsenal, and you should practice them to improve your game. Make sure that you understand the basics of throwing technique and form, experiment with different discs, and adjust your grip as necessary. Finally, trust yourself and don’t be afraid to try different angles – with practice and dedication, you will become a master of the Anhyzer.

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